“Make Friends, Don’t Sell” - Pete Mosley

SNA take their art seriously with creative business guru, Pete Mosley
On Thursday 12th May, eleven artists and makers from across South Northamptonshire and North Oxfordshire, attended a workshop with Craft & Design magazine business editor and creative coach, Pete Mosley.
The aim of the day was for the attendees to hone their creative business and marketing skills to take their art to a wider audience and be confident about their skills and knowledge in doing so.
Pete has worked in the arts since 1977. He coaches and advises creative individuals and small creative businesses. He also writes about the business of creativity. His first book: ‘Make Your Creativity Pay’, was co-published with Craft & Design magazine in July 2011. His second book: ‘The Art of Shouting Quietly – a guide to self-promotion for introverts and other quiet souls’ was published in spring 2015 through crowdfunding. In his spare time, he goes back to his own art; throwing pots.
During the workshop, Pete shared his own personal story and imparted his knowledge from his vast experience of working with a wide range of creative individuals. There was plenty of interaction, lively discussions and tasks to challenge the participants.
“I enjoyed the workshop and would definitely recommend it to others. It was great meeting other artists and crafters and I think it helped that the course was specifically aimed at us and not general business start-ups. The information instantly felt more accessible and relevant as a result.
It also made me see that I’ve got to get to grips with the technology side, even if just a little bit. I’m a bit slow in moving forward that way but I guess slow steady steps are better than none.”
- Vivien Duggan
The workshop was held in the light and airy hall of Silverstone Methodist church, and a delicious buffet lunch was provided by the church volunteers and is certainly recommended to anyone booking the venue.

Now all we need to do, is put all our new-found knowledge into practise.
For more information about Pete’s coaching and courses, please visit his website.
“It certainly was a really good day and I very much enjoyed the workshop. Great to meet Pete Mosley in person after many years of reading his excellent articles in Craft & Design magazine - a lovely person, very approachable and informative.
One of the points Pete made that stood out for me was the importance of the human touch and 'telling your story' on websites or social media, and how it can be the deciding factor as to whether a customer actually makes a purchase or not! I used to think that the work alone should be enough to sell itself, but he made me realise that I too like to know more about the artists then just what it is they make.
Also the importance of keeping websites, etc. regularly updated, using social media effectively and the value of short videos to grab attention in such a crowded marketplace.”
- Mary Standing
Sue Rudland
Artist & Designer www.suerudlandart.com
Penny German
Artist www.pennygerman.com
Mary Standing
Enamel Jeweller www.marystandingenamels.co.uk
Louise Russell
Milliner www.louiserussell.com
Viv Duggan
Silver Jeweller www.vivienduggan.com
Lizzi Bucklow-Holt
Polymer Clay Artist www.bizzizizzi.co.uk
Ruth Lyne
Glass Jeweller
& Home Accessories www.ruthlyneshop.com
Graham Mant
Potter www.grahammant.com
Trisha White
Textile Artist
Maggie Turton
Artist & Mixed Media Collages
Andy Jordan