Lizzi Bucklow-Holt

Lizzi rediscovered her love for polymer clay in 2011 when looking in her craft cupboard for some colourful buttons and came across some she had made as a teenager. Not being able to find the style or size she wanted, she started making more buttons for her crochet projects and this led her to start creating more buttons for herself and others.
In 2012, an opportunity arose to attend a business course specifically designed for creative start-ups. It was at this point that Lizzi downed the crochet hooks and embarked on learning as much as possible about polymer clay as an artistic medium, particularly after a yoga teacher friend asked her to create meditation anchors for her students. Her kids named them Peace Pebbles and they have been a best-seller ever since.
Known as Zizzi to her family, (ever since her younger brother tried to first say her name) she decided to call her fledgling business Bizzi Zizzi and registered as self-employed with HMRC. This was no longer a hobby, but a career and it felt good!
Since 2012 she has been slowly building her brand and learning some new skills in social media marketing, business accounting as well as developing her techniques with the medium itself, whilst juggling the roles of bookkeeper for her husband's company (a useful skill to have!), managing their rental property and raising her family.
In 2014 Lizzi was approached by the editor of Making Jewellery magazine to write polymer clay tutorials. Imagine her delight when her first tutorial was also featured on the magazine cover!
Lizzi has ambitions to write more tutorials, run workshops and create more than just buttons, beads and pebbles. So watch this space!
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